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This unit explains the necessary knowledge and skills performance outcomes required to work in a primary healthcare unit, including general practice in community-based, occupational, educational and informal settings. If you are looking for HLTENN047 assessment answers, you have come to the right place in Sample Assignment, we provide the best academic assistance online, and if you want HLTENN047 Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting assignment help, you can hire our subject matter experts for guidance as well as access our assignment solutions to draft your assignment solutions.

The approach to primary healthcare is much more comprehensive and person-centric and hence, is located possibly closest to where the people live to enable more accessibility. This unit is applicable for the individuals enrolled in nursing work, whose practice is carried out in collaboration and consultation with registered nurses and under the supervision aligned by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) regulatory and legislative authority.

HLTENN047 assessment answers

What are the benefits of studying a diploma/certificate course in Australia?

Due to the outbreak of covid-19, several industrial and other sectors faced difficulties.

Australia's prevailing labour and skills crisis poses a great opportunity for students to decide on their career path, enrol in a short-term diploma course, and explore several career options. Some of the important benefits of choosing a diploma from Australia are:

  • The diploma courses are more flexible than degree courses offered by the colleges and allow the working students to take up the course part-time.
  • Diploma courses allow the students to explore various options. The flexible courses enable a confused student to pursue more than one course at a time and make a good career decision.
  • The diploma courses generally have a short-term duration in Australia, not more than 12-18 months than the college degrees, which would take at least 3 years to complete.
  • The fee structure is very reasonable and affordable for everyone, and a lot less than a degree course.
  • Diploma courses do not require any fixed age or high academic grades to get enrolled. Hence, the admission criteria are more relaxed.

Diploma students often face problems with their assessments, and hence we provide the best academic assistance so that they can easily draft their assignment solution on HLTENN047 at a very affordable price range to frame your assignment and impress your professors.

What are the learning outcomes of the unit HLTENN047?

This unit offers several skills to make you desired personnel in the primary healthcare sector, such as

  1. Apply principles suited for primary health care and work as a part of the multidisciplinary team within the philosophical framework supporting the primary health care unit.
  2. Make plans based on clinical assessment results in collaboration with multidisciplinary health care team members.
  3. Solve health literacy issues and promote health education and awareness about illness prevention.
  4. Employ strategies to enable the person's potential to understand information and support the person through health promotion programs to engage in illness prevention.
  5. Evaluate effective primary health assessment to record priorities and potential risks during the application of the health care plan. Thereafter, confirm the strategy with the health care team members.
  6. Plan and prioritise nursing interventions for meeting optimal daily activities and care needs.

Pursuing the diploma course might have you often burdened with assignments, and if you’re looking for instant assignment help, our subject matter experts will provide you with the best HLTENN047 academic assistance to get you through your assessment paper and impress your professors.

HLTENN047 Assessment Answer

Apart from HLTENN047, there are some other units of studies as well that holds equal importance for the students that are pursuing a diploma/certificate in the field of Nursing.

Australian Educational Entities that Offers a Diploma in Nursing

Many universities in Australia offer this course. You can enroll in any university and choose the college of your choice from the given choices. Some most popular colleges and universities in Australia are

  • The University of Melbourne
  • University of Adelaide
  • Griffith University
  • University of Sydney
  • University of Canberra
  • La Trobe University
  • Western Sydney University
  • Deakin University
  • Flinders University
  • Victoria University
  • RMIT University

While pursuing your diploma, if you're looking for the best Australian Assignment Help, our experts will provide you with professional guidance irrespective of your specialisation background and you can access our HLTENN047 assignment sample online to get reference for drafting your assessment paper and get good grades easily.

HLTENN047 assessment answers

Why hire us for the best HLTENN047 academic assistance?

You don't have to go around asking your friends or co-students, do my assignment as you can hire our services at a very minimal fee structure and get the best academic guidance in drafting your assessment paper. We also provide you with Turnitin and Grammarly report which are 100% authentic, to directly submit in your university and get good grades.

Frequently Asked Questions

The nurses in primary healthcare sector usually have more than one role and responsibility, including quality control, patient care, coordination, education and communication.

A primary care nurse is generally centred around treating minor injuries and illness but comes with different areas of responsibilities for medicine and healthcare including caring for the general injuries of the people rather than specific diseases.

Yes, we have a team of 5500+ academic experts who are sub-specialized in different subjects.

Yes, we have a team of professional academic tutors who are subject experts who will work on your assignments; no matter what subject or course it belongs to, you will get 100% best and quality work in the most efficient manner.

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