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2025-02-10 07:06:05

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executive summary

During your academic education, you might be assigned numerous assignments, for example, management reports, in which you need to write an executive summary. But first, let’s dive into what exactly an executive summary is. This term is that particular section that summarises the complete report, allowing your professor to understand what the report is about. For instance, a 25-page business report can begin with a one-page executive summary. It includes the most important points from the conclusion, findings, recommendations, and other sections of the massive report. Our assignment help experts suggest that an executive summary should be written in a way that your readers can have an understanding of the complete assignment.

executive summary

Format of an Executive Summary

As stated earlier, the aim behind writing an executive summary is to provide the best understanding of the assignment to your professor. Therefore, it should be straight to the point and precise. Generally, the executive summary is written on a new page and should not exceed it. The format of an executive summary is comprised of the following:

  • The subject is mainly the introduction of the assignment.
  • Analysis and Methods represent to the methods you have used and your analysis.
  • Findings include data results.
  • Conclusion – solutions to the problems discussed in the assignment.
  • Recommendations – proposed recommendations to overcome the problem.
  • Limitations – mention the limitations of the project you have selected.

Before proceeding, you can look at the example of an executive summary given below. Format of an Executive Summary Sometimes, university scholars are specifically asked to highlight the ways to implement their solutions which can be in terms of money, time, or any other resources. Moreover, they are required to include a paragraph that showcases the reflections of the topic. If you are a student and have been asked to write an executive summary for a project report, then you do not have to include recommendations in your assignment. There are a few essential steps that a student must consider while writing an executive summary. These steps are illustrated below by our online assignment help experts.

Executive Summary Comprises of These 5 Paragraphs

Each paragraph of an executive summary is to be written without headings. Here, paragraphs can be considered as the steps for preparing the executive summary.

Paragraph 1: Introduction

While writing this paragraph, you should be focused on the following points:

  • A brief explanation of the business.
  • Clear finding and explanation of the issue or opportunity of the report or assignment.
  • Include the questions you are going to answer in the assignment.
  • Briefly mention the secondary and primary research of data sources.

Example Of Introduction For Executive Summary

Example Of Introduction For Executive Summary

Paragraph 2: Analysis and Findings

It mainly discusses your analysis and key findings for your assignment. For example -

Paragraph 3: Recommendations

On the basis of your analysis and findings, you should discuss:

  • The key recommendations.
  • How do the recommendations solve your problems?
  • Further conclusion.

Recommendations for executive summary

Paragraph 4: Implementation

Please check the requirement of the assignment whether it needs the project plan section or implementation. Here, you must be focused on the following:

  • Discuss the important elements required for the implementation plan including time requirements, people requirements, money requirements, and the ways to manage a project.
  • Types of risks and the ways to manage it.

Implementation for Executive Summary

Paragraph 5: Reflection (If any)

Students must know that the reflection can vary between universities and assignments. If your task requires you to include one, then it is good to cover the following things:

  • Key learnings
  • Changes that have taken place in the real world.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of this change.

So, these were the 5 important paragraphs that can surely help you in writing your executive summary. Lastly, never forget to test your executive summary once you complete it. If you need further help in writing an executive summary for an assignment, then do speak to our experts at Sample Assignment.

Nail Any Executive Summary With the Help of an Expert!

Sample Assignment can be the best choice for students who need assistance in writing an executive summary for their assignments. Here, you can interact with the assignment writing experts who are highly experienced and proficient in preparing academic assessment tasks flawlessly. Apart from this, you will get amazing discounts and offers on all the assignment help services. We provide 24*7 support to students so that they can get assistance even at the odd hours of the day.    

About Author
Archer Wilson

Archer Wilson is an academic blogger who has been working with Sample Assignment for over five years, holding a Ph.D. degree in English Literature. Apart from being a blogger, he also works as an Australian assignment help expert for English in his idle time.
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