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Nursing Reflective Task

Nursing is a field of social science as well as medicine. Students enrolled in this field of study undergo various tasks and writing assignments is one of them. It requires all the academic skills that range from writing to editing. There could be many students who need help in writing their nursing reflective journal assignments flawlessly and within the given time frame. If you are one of them, then here’s a nursing reflective journal assignment sample that will be useful for you. Generally, the samples are written by the subject matter experts as per the instructions are given in the question file. The information that needs to be included in the sample is thoroughly researched and verified by our quality assurance team members. University scholars can use this nursing reflective journal sample to understand and complete the tasks efficiently.

Nursing Reflective Journal Assignment Sample

nursing reflective journal assignment sample

Approach To Solve the Above Nursing Reflective Task

To help students, our experts have shown them various approaches for solving the above nursing reflective assignment. The methods are as illustrated below: Approach 1: Follow the structure of Gibb's reflective cycle to compose the above reflection. Approach 2: The above reflection should directly be concerned with NMBA (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia) standards. Approach 3: While writing, you must focus on the following points: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis and conclusion. Approach 4: Also, you can include the above-given points as a heading and subheading in your nursing reflection.  

Nursing Reflective Journal Assignment Sample

Gibb's Reflective Cycle

The Gibb's reflective cycle includes a description and continuous clockwise to feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan as well. Gibb's Reflective Cycle Recommended:

A Complete Guide To Gibbs Reflective Cycle

Let us understand each step of Gibb's reflective cycle in-depth to write the above Nursing Reflective Journal Assignment answer.


When writing the description, you must explain the activity, situation or event in detail without concluding. Include the answers to the following questions:

  • What happened?
  • Why did it happen?
  • When did it happen?
  • What did people do in that case?
  • What did you do?
  • What was the result?

Also, note that all the important information must be included.


This phase deals with the person's feelings about that specific situation or event. You do not require to judge or evaluate emotions. Awareness is an integral aim of this section. You need to answer a few questions such as:

  • How did you feel at the time of that situation or the event?
  • Feelings after the event
  • What was the situation after the event/ situation?


Discuss your experience of the situation or event whether it was good or bad. Which approach worked well in that situation and which did not? We understand that it is difficult for the writer to be objective about the event or situation. Thus, our best nursing assignment experts suggest focussing on the questions like:

  • Which approach was appropriate during the activity or event?
  • State the reason behind it?
  • Explain your contribution.
  • What contribution did other people make?


Analysis in a nursing reflection cycle asks you about the learning outcome of the activity, situation or event. You must analyse both the positive and negative results so that one can know what to do and what not to do in a similar situation. It has been truly said, "people learn from their mistakes".


In this section, you can explain the following questions:

  • Explain the positive experience of a situation, event or activity
  • Mention negative experience about an event, activity or situation
  • What skill will you develop to handle such a situation, event or activity?

Action plan

At last, you are required to develop an action plan based on your experience which can be used for future references. You must explain the most effective approach and changes that can lead to improvement. We hope the above-given steps and information will be helpful for you. In case, if have not found the information, you were looking for, contact the experts at Sample Assignment.

Contact Sample Assignment to Get Help In Nursing Reflective Cycle

Still worried about how to write a nursing reflective cycle? Contact Sample Assignment! Here, we provide the Nursing Reflective Journal assessment samples for free. You just need to visit our website and fill the form to get your sample. You can request us for both used as well as new solutions for nursing reflective journal assessment-related tasks. Recommended: 

About Author

Armed with a Masters's degree and I love writing often makes me write the related subject matter to appease my quest of sharing knowledge. Along with that, I am also a full-time traveler who is always ready with packed bags to explore things around. I live in the moment and believe in sharing happiness.

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